Arriving and Leaving
You may pull your trailer inside the building to unload and load. This is a nice feature in December in the frozen wilds of Central New York!
Generally speaking, we can take fairly large rigs (a 24' trailer with a dually truck fits nicely, for example).
If you haven't been to this event before, when you arrive please look for the signs directing you to the proper entrance. Or, pull up outside the building and send someone inside to scope this out.
For loading up when you leave, if you want to load indoors you must wait until all racing is done. This restriction is imposed because if the aisles get clogged with vehicles, people who are yet to race can't get from their pits to the grid, which is unfair to them and annoys them no end. Since they complain to me about that, I created this rule that you can't bring your trailer into the building until racing is done.
Please note that you can roll your equipment out of the building at any time to pack up; it's just that you can't bring your trailer into the building until we're done.
Tire Cutting and Grinding
There is a $40.00 deposit imposed for anyone cutting, grinding, or resurfacing tires. 100% refunded when you leave your pit spot clean. Note that the $40 deposit applied to the 2016 event. There is no deposit this year.
Welding and Grinding
Welding and metal grinding create eye and fire hazards in the close confines of indoor racing pits. You MUST use an approved (fire and ultraviolet) welding curtain around welding and grinding operations!
If you do not have a welding curtain, you must bring your equipment to a designated open area where you may weld and grind without a curtain. Please see any Event Staff person (shirt with "Staff" on the front and back) about this.
High Pressure Gas Cylinders (Welding Type)
High-pressure gas cylinders are only permitted in the building if they are inside a trailer and properly constrained AT ALL TIMES.
As a practical matter, this means only vendors can have gas bottles, because they are the only ones who have their trailers in the building.
If you need nitrogen at your pits, plan on bringing a small portable air tank which you can fill out in the parking lot from your trailer gas bottle.